Costi Gurgu, nominalizat la premiile Aurora

Autorul român Costi Gurgu a fost nominalizat la Premiul Aurora, cel mai prestigios premiu din domeniul science fiction şi fantasy din Canada, la categoria Best Artist.

Scriitorul a publicat peste 40 de texte în diferite reviste, ziare, almanahuri şi antologii, printre care merită să amintim şi Almanahul Nautilus, publicat de editura Nemira în 2001.

În afară de asta, Gurgu este şi graphic designer şi ilustrator, iar între anii 2005 şi 2007 a predat la Humber College, Toronto un curs intitulat “Digital Design”.

Iată lista completă a nominalizărilor:

Best Novel
Enter Night, Michael Rowe (ChiZine)
Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism, David Nickle (ChiZine)
Napier’s Bones, Derryl Murphy (ChiZine)
The Pattern Scars, Caitlin Sweet (ChiZine)
Technicolor Ultra Mall, Ryan Oakley (EDGE)
WWW: Wonder, Robert J. Sawyer (Penguin Canada)

Best Short Story
The Legend of Gluck, Marie Bilodeau (When the Hero Comes Home)
The Needle’s Eye, Suzanne Church (Chilling Tales: Evil Did I Dwell; Lewd Did I Live)
One Horrible Day, Randy McCharles (The 2nd Circle)
Turning It Off, Susan Forest (Analog 12-11)
To Live and Die in Gibbontown, Derek Künsken (Asimov’s 10-11/11)

Best Poem/ Song
A Good Catch, Colleen Anderson (Polu Texni 4/11)
Ode to the Mongolian Death Worm, Sandra Kasturi (ChiZine 47)
Skeleton Leaves, Helen Marshall (Kelp Queen Press)
Skeleton Woman, Heather Dale & Ben Deschamps (Fairytale)
Zombie Bees of Winnipeg, Carolyn Clink (ChiZine 47)

Best Graphic Novel
Goblins, Tarol Hunt (
Imagination Manifesto, Book 2, GMB Chomichuk, James Rewucki, & John Toone (Alchemical Press)
Weregeek, Alina Pete (

Best Related Work
Fairytale, Heather Dale, (
The First Circle: Volume One of the Tenth Circle Project, Eileen Bell & Ryan McFadden, eds. (
Neo-Opsis, Karl Johanson, ed.
On Spec, the Copper Pig Writers’ Society
Tesseracts Fifteen: A Case of Quite Curious Tales, Julie Czerneda & Susan MacGregor, eds. (EDGE)

Best Artist (Professional and Amateur)
Janice Blaine
Costi Gurgu
Erik Mohr
Dan O’Driscoll
Martin Springett

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